Im WS 21 / 22 wird Herr Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter ein Fellowship am CAIS (Center for Advanced Internet Studies) wahrnehmen. Seine Professur wird vertreten. Sein Forschungsprojekt am CAIS trägt den Arbeitstitel »Die Zukünfte des Internets«.
Dr. Katerina Krtilova vertritt Prof. Schröter im WS.
Zusammen mit Lena Gerdes und Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle untersucht Jens Schröter den Zusammenhang zwischen Computerspielen und ökonomischen Modellformen und wie man mit Computerspielen und Simulationen alternative Ökonomien erforschen, erfahren und verbessern kann. Hier geht es zum Text!
Developing esthesis in Virtual Reality: cartographies of students’ sensitive experiences through Art
This project aims to map students’ sensitives experiences from their exploration with virtual reality (VR) technology through artistic practices, at first viewing VR videos and then creating 3D objects within a virtual environment. In this regard, this study seeks to contribute to Arts and interdisciplinary education within the scope of Brazilian education and in line with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education.
The following objectives will be pursued:
a) to map students’ artistic experiences upon implementation of VR technology through face-to-face and remote learning;
b) to carry out a theoretical and poetic mapping of works and projects that use VR in their artistic processes;
c) to create head-mounted displays (HMD’s) through craft assembly;
d) to plan and perform practical artistic activities using virtual reality with students
(Bild: by Roberta Gerling Moro)