Here are links to all episodes on "Future Histories" with members of our project "Society after Money".
Jens Schröter and Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle on "Computer games as transformation-critical media"
The new issue of the journal NAVIGATIONEN, published by Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter (together with Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil, Cologne) centers around the MUSICAL AND MEDIA.
Die Ausgabe betrachtet verschiedene Medien, die durch Musicals beeinflusst werden, in denen Musicals stattfinden, die die Form des Musicals durch ihre Medialität verändern oder in denen Musicals Medien umorganisieren. In Anknüpfung an die bisherige Forschung der Musik- und Theaterwissenschaft wird das Musical durch die Rahmung als affektives Artefakt in der Synergie mit diversen medialen Formen für die medienwissenschaftliche Forschung geöffnet. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Beiträge dient sie anschlussfähiger Startschuss der Bearbeitung medienwissenschaftlicher Blindflecke der Gattung Musical.
The issue looks at various media that are influenced by musicals, in which musicals take place, which change the form of the musical through their mediality or in which musicals reorganize media. Following on from previous research in musicology and theater studies, the musical is opened up to media studies research through its framing as an affective artifact in synergy with diverse media forms. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the contributions, it serves as a useful starting point for addressing media studies blind spots in the musical genre.
Very special thanks to Boris Eldagsen, who genereously allowed us to use two of his wonderful promptographies for the front- and back-cover. Published here with kind permission.
Here showing: Boris Eldagsen, PSEUDOMNESIA III [The Clairvoyant), promptography, 2023.
Here is the link to the cluster.
Here is the link to the website of Jens Schröter at the cluster.
Here is the link to my research project on the infrastructures of dependency.